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Every school has lots of tasks to perform. So, to perform all the tasks in a controlled and systematic manner, we need to automate and accomplish all the frantic and baffling work with the help of an easy decision-making system.
E-School & LMS software gives many facilities to users to manage all administrative works of a school such as student management, staff management, and Scheduling,..etc.
Our product is divided into two parts the LMS ( Learning Management System) and E-School ( Electronic School ).
LMS part covers the learning process where the educational facility can administrate, document, and track every single step of the learning process from adding subjects, classes, and sections to generating marksheets and certificates.
E-School in the other hand covers the managerial part of the educational facility. The system comes with (light Accounting Module, Light HRMS Module, Inventory Module, Transportation Management Module, Inventory Management Module, Library Module). E-School & LMS is also proposed with a full E-ERP System.